May 242012

I started working with my new/old tutor last night over Skype. New because now we’re working over Skype, but old because she was one of my teachers at Yamasa, and is the wife of one of the guys I hung out with at Zig Zag every now and then. They’re both wonderful people.

She’s going to help me get my business Japanese back into shape, although part of our lesson is just chatting in regular Japanese. I need to do that as well, because, you know, you don’t use it, you lose it.

The calligraphy classes in Japanese have also been great. M-sensei has been a lot of fun to work with. She’s not only a good instructor, but also a good calligrapher, too.

I’ve also been getting back into GTD lately. It’s nice to have a clean inbox, but getting through all of those papers was not fun. They call it “Collect,” but I needed a bulldozer for it.

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