
 Japan, Travel  Comments Off on Bargaiiiiins…
Feb 142012

I joined the Costco Zombie Army a few days ago. I realized that I could save a lot of money just by buying gasoline there.

But I have to be careful when I go shopping there– it’s easy to wind up with more crap than I know what to do with.

Heading off to Asheville to help the folks out for a few days.

Some of my packages are coming back from Japan already. They’re all in surprisingly good shape, and nothing got broken or lost. The nice part is that I can kind of relive my trip as I go through the tons of crap I sent home.


 Education  Comments Off on CLE
Feb 102012

In North Carolina, it’s every lawyer’s obligation to do 12 hours per year of Continuing Legal Education (CLE). What is it? It’s sitting in a room full of lawyers, listening to lectures about current issues in the law. There are also ethics and substance abuse classes we have to sit in on, too.

I usually go to the UNC School of Law Festival of Legal Learning, because it has some really interesting seminars to sit in on. I’ve used information from some of them to get leads for articles I later wrote for local papers. It’s a good way to get current on the trendy stuff in law, and the not-so-trendy stuff.

I really enjoy the environmental law seminars, but the science we hear about the future is a bit depressing.

There was a lot of talk about fracking this year. That looks like it’s going to be a mess.

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